Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Dalam bahasa inggris, digunakan pola kata kerja yang berbeda dalam suatu kalimat, yang disesuaikan waktu pengerjaan suatu kegiatan. Berikut akan diuraikan mengenai 8 jenis tenses yang paling sering ditemui dalam soal maupun dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
A.   Present
Agar mudah ingatlah tabel subjek dan predikat dibawah ini:
to be
to do
to have
to verb
We, You, They
He, She, It

1.    Simple Present Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + V1 / (am / are) + ...
Subyek: I, You, We, They
-       I am a doctor. I work in  hospital everyday
-       ‘I never eat meat’, he explained
-       They celebrate it every year
-       I watch television until ten o’clock
-       We go to the lake every month

SUBJECT + V1 / (s / es) + ...
Subyek: He, She, It
-       He is a policeman. He works at the police station
-       He reads before going to bed
-       He cleans the house every day
-       Amry always plays badminton every Saturday
-       The teacher explains clearly

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       Every (morning/ minute/ day/ hour/ week/ month/ year)
-       Once/ twice/ three times
-       a (day/ week/ month/ year)

c.    Penggunaan
-       Menyatakan kebiasaan atau kegiatan yang terjadi terus-menerus (habitual action)
Contoh: My niece wakes up at 5 in the morning
-       Menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth)
Contoh: The sky is blue
-       Menyatakan sesuatu yang sifatnya pasti atau tetap misalnya, jadwal
Contoh: The train arrives at 7pm
-       Dalam bahasa drama, komentar radio dan sejenisnya
Contoh: When Yesya Aprilla reading a novel, the door knocks, she opens it and looks no one there...

2.    Present Continous Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + TO BE (is / am / are) + V-ing (BEING) + ...
-       That kid is looking at me
-       They aren’t studying English now
-       We’re eating in a luxury restaurant tonight. We’ve already booked the table
-       They can play golf with you tomorrow. They’re not working
-       She is not staying in Medan

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       Now, this afternoon, this evening, at this time, at the moment, right now
-       Kata kerja seperti: Look!, Listen!, Watch!, Notice! (imperative)

c.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang
Contoh: it is raining now
·         Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dan belum tentu sedang berlangsung ketika pernyataan dikemukakan
Contoh: I am leaving for Jakarta and going to Bali tomorrow

3.    Present Perfect Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + HAVE / HAS + V3 + ...
-       We have sent the message
-       They have worked all night
-       Yesya has finished her homework
-       My parents have lived in Jakarta for ten years
-       Satria has been here since last month

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       Since...
-       for...
-       recently
-       just (baru saja)
-       lately
-       up to the present (hingga sekarang)
-       yet (hingga kini)
-       so far (hingga kini)

c.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sudah selesai dilakukan sekarang
Contoh: We have caught the thieves
·         Menyatakan peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan dan mungkin dilakukan lagi di waktu yang akan datang
Contoh: I have seen that theater
·         Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan baru saja berakhir waktu bicara
Contoh: He hasn’t met his wife for a month (sekarang mereka sudah bertemu)

4.    Present Perfect Continuous Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + HAVE / HAS + BEEN + V-ing (BEING) + ...
-       I have been teaching english since last year
-       I have been reading this book for one hour
-       They have been swimming for ten minutes
-       She has been studying since this morning
-       Ami has been cooking for thirty minutes

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       For...                                       - for the last...
-       since...                                   - for ... now
-       all the moments                    - the whole day, etc

c.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dimulai dilakukan pada masa lampau, sekarang masih dilakukan, dan ada kemungkinan masih akan dilanjutkan
Contoh: Ami have been studying for two hours
·         Untuk kata kerja ‘live’ Present Perfect Continuous mempunyai arti sama dengan Present Perfect
Contoh: A student in S1 Gunadarma has been living in Depok for four yerars = A student in S1 Gunadarma has lived in Depok for four years (A student in S1 Gunadarma still live in Jakarta now)

B.   Past
1.    Simple Past Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + V2 (WAS / WERE) + ...
 -    Sarifah was a bad girl
 -    Bakti bought this ‘taxing book’ at gramedia yesterday
 -    Riski looked for his father this morning
 -    My mother was in the kitchen
 -    You were invited yesterday
b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-    Last week/ month/ year
-    ...ago, two hours ago, some time ago
-    this afternoon, this evening, this morning
-    just now,
-    once upon time,
-    someday, oneday, yesterday, etc

c.    Penggunaan
·          Menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu dimasa lampau
Contoh: I went to America last year
·         Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau
Contoh: Riri always used his pink umbrella last week

2.    Past Continuous Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + WAS / WERE + V-ing (BEING) + ...
-       I were typing the letter when he came
-       At this time last week i was swimming
-       Riri was writing letter while her younger brother was sleeping
-       He was watching television all afternoon last week
-       They weren’t talking about sport when I met him

b.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan suatu peristiwa  yang sedang terjadi di waktu tertentu di masa lampau
Contoh: Satria was washing the car
·         Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kegiatan lain terjadi dua kegiatan ini dihubungkan dengan kata hubung when/as
Contoh: I was listening to the music when my brother suddenly whooshed in
·         Menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan di waktu lampau, dua kegiatan ini dihubungkan oleh tanda hubung while
Contoh: Amry was playing with robots while Yesya was acting as a nurse

3.    Past Perfect Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + HAD + V3 (BEEN) + ...
-       I had eaten before I went to campus
-       When she had sung her song, she sat down
-       After we had homework, we took rest
-       Iafter he had chosen all he wanted, he paid them
-       When my brother arrived, I had painted my motor cycle

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       When (diikuti oleh past tense)
Contoh: Ami had come ti the room when the celebration started
-       Before (diikuti oleh past tense)
Contoh: Before she had started to sing, she got down the stage
-       After (diikuti oleh past perfect)
Contoh: I brushedmy teeth after i had eaten breakfast

c.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi sebelum peristiwa berikutnya muncul di masa lampau, untuk dua kegiatan yang berkelanjutan
·         Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi selama periode tertentu hingga kedua terjadi pada waktu lampau
Contoh: Riri had waited for an hour when Amry arrived from Alfamart
·         Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang sebelum peristiwa kedua muncul di waktu lampau
Contoh: Satria had given Rahmi some medicine for a week, before he took Rahmi to the hospital

4.    Past Perfect Continuous Tense
a.    Formula
SUBJECT + HAD + BEEN + V-ing (BEING) + ...
-       Yesya had been working for five hours when Bakti came to her room
-       He was tired because he had been working since working
-       I saw him when he had been breaking the glass
-       They came when i had been finishing my job
-       When they washed my dress, your father hadn’t been playing badminton

b.    Adverb of time (keterangan waktu)
-       When + s + v2, s + had + been + v-ing + for...
-       Before + s + had + been + v-ing + for...
-       After + s + had + been + v-ing, s + v2 + for...

c.    Penggunaan
·         Menyatakan dua peristiwa berkelanjutan di masa lampau, peristiwa pertama sedang berlangsung dan bisa jadi selesai tepat peristiwa kedua terjadi
Contoh: Amry had been playing piano for an hour when her mom called her

Sumber buku: DSV Production Indonesia